Let's make 2019 a happy year
2019 is a milestone for us, now our champagnes have been around for
incredible 10 years. Some of you have been with us since the start, others
joined throu...
21. jul. 2016
Sustainability : Meet the weeds
We want to stop herbicides.
Instead we plough with the tractor to remove weeds.
But we also weed manually when needed.
We use a hoe and sometimes our hands.
These are the weeds we try to limit.
The bindweeds climb in the vines, thus makes it possible for humidity to have an easier access thus supporting the risk of fungus disease.
This plant has very long roots, and once you break a root, it will spread even more underground.
The thistle spreads a lot as well. The main problem is the thorns that are quite unpleasant as we work, sometimes seated, in the rows at the time of harvest.
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