At the moment, the grapes are reaching the maturity needed: Sugars go up and acidity the other way, though not too fast. On top of that the grapes are extraordinarily healthy due to the abundance of sun since late August.
Though our yields will not be the same quantities as usualsince their growth has been unusually troubled this year with frost in April followed by lots of rain and disease. This very unusual year will stay in our memories for a while despite the enourmous relief to be able to note that what we see and touch is good. As simple as that.
Thus with a smaller team than usual, we look forward to examine more closely what we will land in our buckets.
Such will be the end of the growth of 2016, and the beginning of the champagne 2016 of which we expect something different. Just like the year itself.
But that will be for later. At the moment we suggest non vintage champagnes of some age (Tradition and Noirs & Blancs) and vintage Blanc de Blancs champagnes from 2006 and 2010. We suggest two rosé champagnes (Rosé de Saignée and Rosé d'Assemblage) as well as a sweeter Demisec champagne.
Everything is nice and tasty but don't take our word for it: Our doors are open whenever we are present so why don't you pay us a visit and try for yourselves? Please send a mail if you want to know more. Be sure to enjoy, Alain Gérard and Solveig Tange.